Stop Thief!

So I’d been looking forward to a family outing to the fair all week, it was going to be the first time Georgia had ever been to one. I was supposed to be taking her with my mum and dad and then at the last minute Mr L finished work on time to join us. We put on our warmest clothes and set off as it started to get dark so little miss could see all the bright lights at their best. All excited I took a family selfie not long after getting there and within 5 minutes the whole night had been ruined. I can only assume somebody saw me take the picture and put my phone away in my pocket, so when I went to take another picture of Georgia and Daddy minutes later as they sat patiently on the first ride she’s ever been on I went into panic mode when I realised my phone had gone!

I’d been stood by myself watching while my mum and dad bought donuts at a nearby stall, balancing on my crutches and taking in the smiles and different faces coming from Georgia as she took everything in. We frantically searched every pocket twice, my bag 3 times, everyone else’s pockets and bags (despite me knowing it wouldn’t be there), dad set off to do a quick retrace of our steps, whilst mum rang the phone only to find it going straight to voicemail and obviously turned off. Once Mr L came off the ride he said he had seen a woman pass me and at first had thought we must have spoken due to how close she had been but I had no idea she had ever been next to me, or felt anybody close. Tears followed, not for the phone but the photos of Georgia I’ve now lost and whilst dad and I went to a quieter corner to make the necessary calls to the phone company and police we made the decision for mum and Mr L to continue to take Georgia round and try enjoy the outing.

I’ve kicked myself since for not being more vigilant, Mr L has kicked himself for not being by my side and I’ve kicked myself for not keeping a more regular backup of all the data on the phone since changing the laptop last November. Syncing the phone to the new laptop has been on my to do list since then and I’ve no excuse really with the time away from work I’m having. Typically last night after changing about a million passwords just in case, I spent hours reading about apps that can help find your phone even when switched off, about how people can still access info from your phone despite having a pin and ways they can still use/sell your phone despite the handset being blacklisted. I also now know for 79p a month I could have increased the cloud storage I have and had all my photos saved automatically. More kicking myself followed!

The only saving grace is I did have insurance despite there being a £100 excess!!! I’m now waiting for the relevant paper work to arrive and fingers crossed a new phone will follow asap. I can then look forward to the hours it will take to set it up so it at least resembles my old phone, take every security measure that I now know is available and will no doubt be having to change quite a few passwords again having forgotten the new ones already! Thanks for reading x

Linkys: Mummy Monday

8 thoughts on “Stop Thief!

  1. Oh no, what a nightmare. Its horrible losing photos, way worse than the phone which is completely replaceable. I hope there weren’t too many on there. #mummymonday


    1. I know, thank you. In the process now of pulling together the photos other people took over Christmas and ones I’ve already shared. Before I became a mummy I would have thought I was being daft getting upset over losing pictures. How things change!


  2. Found how to comment! This story made me sad and angry!! It’s so bad when things like that happen and you can’t trust people. I’m sure you will get so many more pics xxx


  3. Oh my goodness! What a nightmare. After a recent scare with my phone breaking and panicking I was going to lose loads of photos I actually plug it into the laptop every week and back up the photos manually. Sometimes it would be easier if it was like when I was a child as you went and got yourself a hard copy of a photo, really must do that more often! Hope you;ve got a new phone! thanks for linking up and hope to see you again tomorrow #MummyMonday x


    1. Thanks for the comment. Have a new phone and despite only having 10 pics so far all backed up on pc and iCloud already!! See you tomorrow #MummyMonday x


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