7 Things I’ve Learnt This Week – 23 Feb/1 March

So I wanted to create a regular blog post and as a mummy, wife, daughter, woman, adult and person (to name a few) it struck me that we are learning new things all the time. Some things are more important or useful than others, some are just nice to know, some things may be shocking or surprising and some things you may wish you hadn’t learnt at all.

Here is my 7 for this week:

1. My fractured heel could take up to 6 months to heal fully! I’m now 2 months on from my accident and don’t have to go back to the hospital for another 2 months but I may have to have an operation if it is healing too slowly.

2. My mum has downloaded the Fifty Shades trilogy to read! After reading it myself when first released I banned her from buying it as the thought of my 60 year old mum reading all those sex scenes was too much to bear and I was trying to save her blushes.

3. You should buy a new mattress for a cot/moses basket for each new baby! I overheard a sales assistant telling a prospective mum this was because of the risk of SIDs while we were out shopping for a new buggy. This wasn’t something I ever thought about and we were given a moses basket by family and never replaced the mattress pad.

4. Even superstars like Madonna can come down to earth with a bang…literally! I’m guessing Mr L and I were amongst the millions of people who let out a gasp as we watched her fall at The Brits.

5. How to customise/add more thingsthings to my blog! I’ve spent the last week working out how to create an archive page and widget (OK so I’ve only been blogging since last month but at least it looks organised even if not much content yet), I’ve added widgets to follow/like me across social media and have set up a Pinterest.

6. Potty training is going to be hard work! I’ll be doing some posts on this but at the minute little miss knows what the potty is for and all depends what mood she’s in whether wants to try use it (tries most days but not actually done anything yet) or whether she screams the house down for a nappy on!

7. I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol! This isn’t technically something I learnt this week but it is something I need to learn and accept as again I was reminded while out at the weekend. Whilst there is a will to be able to handle my drink there doesn’t appear to be a way. I did however give myself a pat on the back for recognising early on being drunk and crutches don’t mix so I took things very steady and enjoyed a soft drink or two.

Mama and More

Our Christmas and the broken foot!

I realise its February but…I’ve mentioned I fractured my foot on Boxing Day but that was the cherry on top for the Christmas we had! Typically the first Christmas we had decided to host at home!

Georgia hadn’t been well for weeks…she’d had countless sickness bugs, colds and coughs to the point she was being sick again, an ear infection and our Doctor just told us it was all normal and to ride it out. Then Christmas week she came out in spots! Back we went to the doctors on Christmas Eve only to be told the doctor couldn’t be sure and their guess was impetigo or hand, foot and mouth (not to be confused with foot and mouth). Armed with a bottle of penicillin and having been warned she could be contagious we set about cancelling the family visits planned for that day and told her grandparents we understood if they wanted to spend Christmas Day elsewhere. Not wanting to ruin the day they all decided to risk it and despite the penicillin really really not agreeing with little miss we did have a great day!


Mr L had agreed to do a couple of hours behind the bar of our cricket club Boxing Day afternoon, and as my family congregate there after the rugby and because the spots had gone down me and little miss decided to risk a hour out…big mistake. After 30 minutes of being there Georgia started being sick so after a quick clean up and a change of clothes we went home where she instantly fell asleep.

Now the cherry bit…when little miss woke up 3 hours later she was in a great mood, was asking for some toast and insisted on me carrying her and going downstairs. We were doing so well until I reached 3 steps from the bottom and I can’t explain what happened other than we fell. As expected my only thoughts were not dropping Georgia and making sure she landed on me. I obviously acted as a good cushion because she was fine other than in shock.

Poor Neil heard a bang from the kitchen and rushed in to find Georgia crying, me writhing in agony and us both on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. No sooner had he calmed her down I started crying and that set her off again. I assumed it was a sprain so spent the night with it elevated and applied ice but woke up the next day to Mr L adament we were going to the minor injury clinic to be sure and after being told off for not taking any pain relief they confirmed a break, potted me up and sent me away with instructions to phone the hospital on Monday. Merry Christmas!!!
